Egg Sharing
Egg Sharing
IVF egg sharing is a fertility process which allows women who are willing to go through the female egg donation process to share their eggs with someone who needs some extra help to get pregnant.
The two women involved in the process usually choose to remain anonymous to each other, however it is possible to choose a donor you know before beginning the treatment.
Here at In-OVO Fertility Clinic, we attempt to match the physical characteristics of the donors and recipients as closely as possible. We always seek approval from the recipient before the treatment begins.
The egg sharer will undergo ovarian stimulation as for a regular stimulated IVF cycle, but she agrees in advance to donate half of the eggs that she produces during the treatment cycle to a matched recipient.
We offer the donor a much-reduced cost of IVF treatment, while the recipient will benefit from using donated eggs to overcome any underlying fertility problem she may have.
The two women involved in the process usually choose to remain anonymous to each other, however it is possible to choose a donor you know before beginning the treatment.
Here at In-OVO Fertility Clinic, we attempt to match the physical characteristics of the donors and recipients as closely as possible. We always seek approval from the recipient before the treatment begins.
The egg sharer will undergo ovarian stimulation as for a regular stimulated IVF cycle, but she agrees in advance to donate half of the eggs that she produces during the treatment cycle to a matched recipient.
We offer the donor a much-reduced cost of IVF treatment, while the recipient will benefit from using donated eggs to overcome any underlying fertility problem she may have.
Who is egg sharing for?
Women who might be unable to produce eggs of their own, either because of early menopause, or due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment leaving them infertile, can use the egg sharing process to help them achieve pregnancy.
Those who may have genetic conditions which they don’t want to pass on to their children can also use the egg sharing scheme to overcome this problem. Women who wish to share their eggs will need to meet the following criteria:
In addition to the tests, both the egg sharer and her partner (where applicable) will be offered counselling before accepting onto the scheme. This is to ensure they feel supported and stable throughout our process.
The physical characteristics of the egg donor and the recipient are compared, and every attempt is made to make the closest possible match. If this is not possible, her partner’s characteristics can be considered.
The clinic will try to meet any requests made by the female donating eggs regarding any couple who may receive them. Likewise, any special requests made by the recipient couple will be met as closely as possible.
We have now introduced an innovative addition to our programme. Sharers can now donate half of their produced eggs to be frozen for future use by a recipient, alleviating a potential lengthy waiting process. What are the costs? Egg sharers would pay for consultations and screening followed by an inclusive IVF Egg Sharing fee or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Egg Sharing fee.
If you need more information on the process, or simply wish to discuss your options with one of our experts, please feel free to get in touch with us today.
Those who may have genetic conditions which they don’t want to pass on to their children can also use the egg sharing scheme to overcome this problem. Women who wish to share their eggs will need to meet the following criteria:
- Be 30 years or under
- Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 19 and 30
- Have a Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) level on day 2-4 of her menstrual cycle less than 10iu/l
- Have an Anti-Mullerian Hormone level above 15iu/l
- Be a non-smoker
- Have no personal history of transmissible disease
- Have no personal or family history of inheritable disorders
- Have no history of severe endometriosis
- Have both ovaries
- Have no history of previous low response to ovarian stimulation
In addition to the tests, both the egg sharer and her partner (where applicable) will be offered counselling before accepting onto the scheme. This is to ensure they feel supported and stable throughout our process.
The physical characteristics of the egg donor and the recipient are compared, and every attempt is made to make the closest possible match. If this is not possible, her partner’s characteristics can be considered.
The clinic will try to meet any requests made by the female donating eggs regarding any couple who may receive them. Likewise, any special requests made by the recipient couple will be met as closely as possible.
We have now introduced an innovative addition to our programme. Sharers can now donate half of their produced eggs to be frozen for future use by a recipient, alleviating a potential lengthy waiting process. What are the costs? Egg sharers would pay for consultations and screening followed by an inclusive IVF Egg Sharing fee or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Egg Sharing fee.
If you need more information on the process, or simply wish to discuss your options with one of our experts, please feel free to get in touch with us today.